Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Book ReviewGentlehands essays

Book ReviewGentlehands essays The story Gentlehands takes place in the late 1970s. This story mostly revolves around one of the main characters named Buddy, who is a middle classed teenager that has is having a relationship with and upper class, older girl, named Skye. Buddys chances of impressing Skye on his own are very slim to none so he decides to introduce her to his grandfather, Mr. Trenker. Buddy has not seen his grandfather since he was just a little child because of disputes between Buddys parents and Mr.Trenker, so he was not quite sure what to expect from him. Buddy and Skye both come to realize the Mr. Trenker is very educated in many topics and also extremely well mannered. During this same time Mr. De Lucca, a reporter for many newspapers, is living with Skye at the time for unknown reasons. The only reason he is staying in that area is because he is trying to write a story about somebody who used to be a SS officer in WWII with the nickname Gentlehands. At the end of the story grandpa Trenker is th e one that is believed to be Gentlehands. When Grandpa Trenker heard of these accusations he ran away to live with a friend of his. In the story Gentlehands there were a few major characters, including Skye, Buddy, and Grandpa Trenker. Buddy is presented ass a teenager who had few experiences in life and he showed it many times throughout the book. An example of Buddy having only few experiences in life is on page 80, paragraph 7 when buddy was pouring a glass of wine. It said I put my hand around the bottle and began pouring, and he said, Wait a minute, Buddy. What? Always grab the bottle of wine by the neck, he said, and never fill the glass to the top. I think that this is a good example because it shows how buddy had very few experiences in life by not knowing how to pour wine. I also thought that he was extremely kind hearted and he also sticks to what he believes in, even th...

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